
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

magazine barcode image

magazine barcode image. With 2D Mobile Barcodes,
  • With 2D Mobile Barcodes,

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 08:36 PM
    You are talking about imposing beliefs to a guy sporting a gay marriage signature (which I am all for, but I wouldn't want to push it down people's throats via my signature here, which btw is a political issue and the only way he gets away with is is because he's best pals with the moderators here)?

    Political signatures are quite common on MacRumours (look up a few posts for a sig "Alright Republicans, if you act as stupid as the guys you replaced... your a$$ will be on the street as well!" and others publicizing a Japanese college). I don't agree with calling a "civil rights" issue a "political" issue - although political pressure is needed to ensure that civil rights are respected.

    If I were "best pals" with the mods, I wouldn't be getting the occasional timeouts due to crossing the fuzzy line between debate and bickering.

    All of a sudden people can't offer their prayers to people suffering in Japan, because Aiden Shaw doesn't believe in God...whatever lola wants, as the song goes...:rolleyes: I would have banned this .... on the spot for calling someone's God a "spaghetti monster", it's one thing not to believe, and quite another to mock what someone holds sacred, but this guy is apparently un-bannable here...

    You complain about "imposing beliefs", but asking people to "say a prayer" on the forum is certainly pushing one's beliefs on others. I suggested "best wishes" and "keeping them in your thoughts" as an alternative that doesn't involve supernatural beings.

    And, by the way, the "flying spaghetti monster" ( is part of a well-known movement (sometimes called the "Pastafarians") to preserve the concept of "separation of church and state" embodied in the US Constitution.

    If you ever see the FSM emblem
    on the car in front of you, you're behind a Pastafarian.

    magazine barcode image. Shape+magazine+upc+arcode
  • Shape+magazine+upc+arcode

  • macnerd93
    Apr 21, 03:15 PM
    you have to admit the design of the Mac Pro isn't looking at all dated, I think thats quite impressive to say its based on an 8 year old tower design, which is still in existence in 2011. I dont think I could say the same for any PC vendor :P. Although to me most of Apple's stuff still looks in date years after launch, look at the Ti-Book & iMac G4 launched in 2001 & 2002 and still look ultra modern today, heck in 2004 I remember a lot of current PC's still being beige

    magazine barcode image. Shape+magazine+upc+arcode
  • Shape+magazine+upc+arcode

  • Les Kern
    Apr 10, 09:12 PM
    i got 41.098

    Must be this PC I'm using.

    magazine barcode image. arcode on
  • arcode on

  • HoldFastHope
    Nov 4, 11:27 PM
    Jeez. You have to a moron of epic proportions to go this route for a car GPS.


    I use the TomTom app with a DLO vent mount, car charger and stereo with 3.5mm input. Total cost including the mount was about AU $100.

    I had a Navman S45 which cost $280, heavily discounted. It was stolen from my car (I'd hidden everything, but they broke in anyway :() and the TomTom/iPhone route is actually more convenient for me because:

    1. I now get voice instructions over the car speakers
    2. I don't have to worry about my GPS being stolen from my car
    3. I can navigate to anyone in my address book without having to enter an address (assuming I have it to begin with)
    4. I don't have to juggle car chargers. Dedicated GPS's don't last long without them, neither do iPhones that are pumping music for long periods :)
    5. My nav app is now with me everywhere, I don't get the "Oh man I wish I brought my Navman" problem anymore.

    Granted, I didn't pay $150+ for the cradle. But even if I did, it would still be cheaper than the S45 and does a much better job IMO. Note I have the TomTom, but any of the other two nav apps would likely be the same experience.

    Maybe it's just me, but I think the convenience far outweighs the cost. Although the fact that we Australians get raped on GPS prices probably doesn't help :)

    magazine barcode image. Japan Barcodes for mobile
  • Japan Barcodes for mobile

  • pkson
    Mar 30, 05:41 AM
    No, "best wishes" for our Japanese friends.

    "Prayers" to the flying spaghetti monster are a waste of time - put the people of Japan into your thoughts, don't involve some ficticious deity.

    Putting something in your thoughts doesn't do anything either.

    Unless you (not YOU, but people in general) hop on a plane and go over there to help, or at least donate to organizations who do, the most people can do is just be (or act) sad and concerned. Even being sad or concerned doesn't do anything for Japan.

    magazine barcode image. magazine into a arcode
  • magazine into a arcode

  • roland.g
    May 4, 04:00 PM
    The entire idea of restoring from a Time Machine backup has always been illogical to me.

    If Time Machine backs up everything, then it backs up whatever problems you had that resulted in your need for restore.

    Time Machine has limited real use, and its basically limited to accidentally deleting things.

    Use TM for your Home Folder and things like that. Even Apps. You can always reinstall and update an OS. Don't bother TMing your OS.

    Indeed, which is why I also do a Carbon Copy Clone once in a while. Most people, for some reason, just use Time Machine. Maybe they never have encountered a catastrophic disk failure. Seems like a big risk to take.

    I use CCC but only to clone my external iTunes media drive to a clone of it set, incremental of course, so if anything gets deleted, the clone doesn't delete it. But I TM by internal drive to a separate drive.

    Internal 750 - OS, Apps, Docs, Photo Library, etc.
    External 2 TB - iTunes media drive - all movies, iOS Apps, Music, etc. Everything iTunes.
    External 2 TB - incremental clone of iTunes drive.
    External 750 - TM of internal drive.

    External 2 TB - Offsite, monthly backup of iTunes drive and TM drive. Because if there is a house fire or something, I have all the media, esp. photos and home movies on a safe backup.

    magazine barcode image. Shape+magazine+upc+arcode
  • Shape+magazine+upc+arcode

  • extraextra
    Jul 21, 03:02 PM
    Now all the MBP's need are new enclosures, and I'm sold!

    MB's aren't going to get Merom so soon because they've only been out for a little while (as opposed to the MBP's) and I think there needs to be a bigger differentiation between the MB's and MBP's.

    magazine barcode image. The Barcode Magazine
  • The Barcode Magazine

  • cube
    May 6, 06:41 AM
    But until Intel releases technology using the new transistors people dumped arm stocks for essentially hype,(?) Which is why I'm surprised.

    I'm not surprised about people getting overhyped. Just look the "3D" thread here.

    magazine barcode image. Geographic Magazine
  • Geographic Magazine

  • -aggie-
    May 4, 08:37 PM
    Can you give the non-storybook reason for why he died and what actually happened?

    magazine barcode image. magazine upc arcode upc
  • magazine upc arcode upc

  • chugg
    Apr 18, 03:23 PM
    Yay go Apple. From the little guy everyone cheered for to the ... big guy that sues everyone and still has everyone cheering for.

    magazine barcode image. arcode upcpeople magazine
  • arcode upcpeople magazine

  • InsanelyApple
    May 4, 04:28 PM
    2) Same idea as above.... "If you have a tank filled with 450 cubic yards of water, and it is flowing out at a rate of 3 gallons a minute, how long does it take to empty?"

    But to illustrate my earlier point, 1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet, 1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallons. Simple math.

    Seriously snberk103. Let us Americans use what we want. We find the imperial easier than the scientific metric. Tomorrow put up a good point, we can use conversion factors too. ;)

    magazine barcode image. Magazine Ads amp; Content
  • Magazine Ads amp; Content

  • gavers
    Mar 31, 09:51 AM
    You are mixing up badly. That example shows that humans who can read, are trained to rely on what they read almost blindly rather than identifying a color. This means, Apples choice of making the icons grey makes it indeed easier to recognize as there is one less distraction. An even stronger conclusion would be: Leave the icons away completely, because reading is much faster.

    Icons were useful in the 1990s, when the number of pixels on the screen was small. Nowadays, just use text, it is way better. Look at websites, icons are used very sparsely. Text is the way to go.

    I think you're on to something here. Personally I prefer colour icons, they're quite easy for me to recognise when I'm not using my glasses.

    But for the non-icon approach just take a look at Gmail for example -- no icons, just text links and it's easy to use. Hotmail recently switched to a mostly icon-free interface and I find it easier to use than the previous icon-ladened design. Then look at the usability nightmare that is Yahoo mail with its icon infested UI.

    Reading reviews for the Color app it seems that labelless icons are very unwelcome. And I agree, Color's cryptic unlabeled icons defy logic.

    As far as Mac OS X 10.7 goes I think they should either have colour icons or no icons at all. The gray icons are a waste of space. By the time I can make out what the icon is, I've already read the text next to it.

    Waht isn't monetined is taht plepoe raed msltoy by rcensignoig seaphs. Which is why you were able to read that sentence without much struggle, if any. So well defined icons with unique shapes would be good, or colours that stand out. But colourless, shapeless icons (such as in are all but useless.

    magazine barcode image. Shape+magazine+upc+arcode
  • Shape+magazine+upc+arcode

  • roland.g
    Aug 11, 02:16 PM
    True, but 64-bit in a 32-bit envrionment is still going to run only at 32-bit or not at all. But mlrproducts is right, they do have a while.

    it doesn't matter if you have a 64-bit processor and OS, you have to have 4Gb of RAM to run in 64-bit.

    magazine barcode image. bcWebCam Read Barcode with Web
  • bcWebCam Read Barcode with Web

  • RollTide
    Apr 21, 04:43 PM
    What is this "Mac" they speak of. :p

    magazine barcode image. Shape+magazine+upc+arcode
  • Shape+magazine+upc+arcode

  • Collin973
    Jul 21, 04:41 PM
    Did any one notice that the 23rd is actually a sunday?

    I didn't read through all of the posts, but monday is the 24th...


    magazine barcode image. The Japanese firm D-Barcode
  • The Japanese firm D-Barcode

  • GGJstudios
    Dec 25, 08:30 AM
    If mac users don't use av software, there's little motivation for anyone to supply it. If NO ONE is working on av software, then in the eventuality that we do need it, we're all starting from scratch. That's just never a good place to be if you can with minimal effort prevent it.

    It's kind of like getting your flu shot in a year when the flu isn't supposed to be particularly bad. I seldom get the flu, but I go ahead and get the shot every year anyway because if no one does, there's little motivation for pharma companies to develop future flu shots. Which means in the really bad flu years, there's a shortage because only one company is making the shot.
    There is simply no correlation between humans and flu and Macs and malware. They don't relate at all. Anti-virus is not necessary for protection for Macs against malware at this time. If you read this, you'll understand why: Mac Virus/Malware Info (

    magazine barcode image. Shape+magazine+upc+arcode
  • Shape+magazine+upc+arcode

  • alent1234
    Mar 28, 11:28 AM
    Might like to point out that part of the problem with Android updates is not the manufactures but the Carriers.
    AT&T being by far the worse offenders. If AT&T had its way the iPhone would never get more than security updates. To upgrade your OS you would have to buy a new phone.
    This is no were more apparent that looking no farther than the GalaxyS phones. AT&T GalaxyS phone (Captivate) still is waiting on its Android 2.2 update when over seas it is already getting its Android 2.3 updated. Clearly it is not the manufacture causing problems but the carrier.
    I hope the manufactures start taking a cue from Apple and MS to say screw the carriers and start supply updates for their phones. No more blocking the updates from the carriers.

    Apple is about the only company that can get away with the delay. Most others would be fried for it. iPhone is already starting to show its age and delaying it longer will only make it worse.

    wasn't that samsung's fault with the custom UI they put on the phone and issues with 2.3?

    magazine barcode image. Barcode scanner integration
  • Barcode scanner integration

  • ender land
    Apr 10, 10:54 AM
    For the record, I am sad that 2 is winning (or even close) to 288. But it does help explain one thing - a reason why so many people I try to tutor/help with math cannot seem to understand basic algebra operations is because nearly 50% of people do not understand order of operations (this was roughly the same percentage on the physics poll linked to earlier) :(

    No wonder people have so much trouble with doing algebra correctly :eek:

    magazine barcode image. The arcode is an optical
  • The arcode is an optical

  • JAT
    Mar 29, 05:24 PM
    How dare people think of themselves in any way when something bad has occurred in the world. People in Darfur have been dying for quite some time now and I haven't thought of myself or my interests once since conflicts began. That's what a good person does.

    Do you see how ridiculous you're being? There is no reason a person can't be concerned with supply shortages AND the Japanese people. They aren't mutually exclusive. Moreover, if you follow your flawed logic then no one could ever do anything for themselves. Horrific events happen everyday worldwide; tragedies can't stop us from living.

    No, I agree. Personally, I've stopped eating until Japan is 100% safe!! :D

    Aug 7, 05:47 PM

    Kinda ugly.

    Nov 16, 12:38 PM
    I have installed the free anti-virus Sophos on my computers. It did find a Widoze malware on one of them. So, I'll keep running it, until it causes any problems or they want money :D.

    Apr 23, 05:46 PM
    Does anyone know what mountain that is a picture of? I'm asking on behalf of a curious third party

    ender land
    Apr 10, 11:39 AM
    Please go back and read my previous posts.

    Oh wow, your previous arguments about how "because spotlight says 2 therefore it is true no matter what" are just so convincing!

    Nov 12, 08:48 AM
    So now BTL says that the shipment is coming in on 12-2. What happend to 11-11? How do you all feel about this? I personally am not sure if I should cancel or not.

    You know, I was a lil mad at first when I saw that, but the facts are that Apple wasn't going to ship theirs until Nov 25th with a Dec 2nd estimated arrival date, and for saving $40.00 I'm willing to wait a few extra days.

    And at this point.. like the previous poster said.. $87.00 is worth it for me when regular mounts without anything are around $40, so $87 is decent for bluetooth, GPS chip and cool look/setup.. however $120 ($130 when adding in tax) just isn't worth it in my opinion.